Bta Legal Costa Rica

Latin American Association for Legal Construction. (ALDEC) Arbitrator: Inter-American Commission on Commercial Arbitration. Lawyer of the Group companies in the fields of construction, civil liability, real estate, marketing of raw materials, international distribution and transport of goods, agency and agency contracts, with a particular focus on the negotiation and structuring of complex contracts. Arbitrators in local and international cases with Latin American parties. “El rol de las Judicaturas Nacionales en el Arbitraje Comercial Internacional”, en obra colectiva “Arbitraje Comercial Internacional. Reconocimiento y Ejecución de sentencias y laudos arbitrales extranjeros. Publicación del Departamento de Derecho Internacional de la Secretaría de Asuntos Jurídicos de la Organización de Estados Americanos. 2015. “Derecho Arbitral Jurisprudencial. Compendio de Jurisprudencia”. 2012.

Alberto Fernández Lopez of BTA Legal plays an active role as an arbitrator in high-profile cases, with one interviewee saying: “His work has been excellent. He is undoubtedly an experienced referee, extremely accessible and effective in his work. “Arbitration in matters of representation of foreign houses”. IUSTITIA Magazine. 2009. “The Rules of International Commercial Arbitration of the Conciliation and Arbitration Centre of the Chamber of Commerce of Costa Rica”. ARBITRATION MAGAZINE. Madrid. 2012. Member of the Arbitration Center of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Venezuela “Some relevant criteria for arbitration in Costa Rica under Law 8937 of 2011”.