The use of capital letters in legal agreements is a centuries-old tradition that extends into the digital age. Once it was accepted as a way to bring out important contract language, it became common and is still used today, even with new formatting options. At this point, it is clear that the existence of a name written in capital letters is a necessarily created legal fiction. This is certainly an issue that needs to be addressed, and supporting details are set out in this memorandum. The use of the proper name must be adopted as a mitigation – correction – for all parties to a claim under a purported “law”. However, the current “courts” cannot correct this, as they are all based on an assumed/presumed fictitious law and must use artificial and legal names. Instead, they expect the legitimate Christian man or woman to accept the name in capital letters and silently accept to be treated as if it were a fictional entity invented and ruled by mortal enemies. You will have to make unlimited efforts to deceive and enforce this conformity, otherwise the underlying criminal farce would be exposed and a global looting/enslavement scam that has kept all life on this planet in a vice for millennia would collapse and liberate every living being. At this point, future world leaders should succeed in life through honest and productive work, just as those they parasitically feed on are forced to live their lives. To be more precise, your official name is the name of a corporation incorporated under your first name.
The government uses your official name to attach you to a fictional dead character. This allows the government to identify you and do business with you. For this reason, if you want to succeed in freeing yourself from its jurisdiction, you must stop thinking that your legal name is who you are. That`s why we use all capital letters when writing a proper name. U.S. and state governments intentionally use legal fiction to “address” the legitimate and real man or woman of flesh and blood. We say this is intentional because their own official publications state that proper names cannot be written in capital letters. They deliberately do not follow their own recognized authorities. Note that the definition of a Christian name is a name given after birth or baptism, or adopted by him later in addition to his surname.
You can take a name at baptism that is not the name of your government. Examples: Saul became Paul, Simon became Peter (Cephas in John 1:42), Zacchaeus became Matthew, Didymus became Thomas, and Thaddeus from Matthew 10:3 and Mark 13:18 became Judas, son of James in Luke 6:16. Even John the Baptist`s father had to rename his son (Luke 1:63) after the Holy Spirit filled him “with his mother`s womb” (Luke 1:15). And when Joseph became a Christian, he was called Barnabas (Acts 4:36). Just try adopting a Christian name and see what happens. After reading `17 in its entirety, I couldn`t find any other references that would change the grammatical rules and styles in Chapter 3 regarding capital letters. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has released one of the U.S. government`s most incisive capitalization resources. NASA Publication SP-7084, “Grammar, Internctuation and Capitalization.” A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors” was compiled and written by NASA`s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.
In Chapter 4, “Capitalization,” 4.1 “Introduction” says: Only who or what is the person in capital letters, i.e. “JOHN PAUL JONES”, “JOHN P JONES” or some other capital corruption of it? It is the entity that the government created to take the place of the real being, that is, John Paul Jones. The legitimate Christian name of birthright has been replaced by a legal name of deception and fraud. If the legitimate Christian name responds as a legal person, the two are recognized as one and the same. However, if the legal essence is distinguished as a part other than the legal fiction, the two are separate. “Capitalize persons, state, and other terms used to refer to the government as litigant (e.g., people`s case, state argument), but do not capitalize other words used to refer to litigants (e.g., plaintiff, Manson defendant).” We now refer to the already discussed question of acceptance with its relationship with arbitrarily created legal persons, for example “STATE OF CALIFORNIA” or “JOHN P JONES”. Given that a hypothesis by definition implies a debt, what debt does a legal fiction assume? Now that we`ve explored the legal – executive – underpinnings of current federal and state governments, it`s time to summarize it all. Lincoln`s second executive order of April 1861 reconvened Congress a few days later, but not under the authority or legitimate process of the Constitution. As commander-in-chief of the U.S. Army, Lincoln convened Congress under martial law. Since April 1861, Congress has not met on the basis of due process. The current “Congress” is a legal fiction based on nothing more meritorious than “Yes, what are you going to do about it?” With a monopoly on money, “law” and what counts as “government,” and most of the world`s firepower, the motto of those in power is, “We have what it takes to take what you have.” This indicates, for example, that the use of all capital letters in an acronym is allowed.
“Acronyms” are words formed from the first letters of successive parts of a term. They never contain dots and are often not standard, so a definition is needed. Could this apply to legitimate Christian proper names? If this were true, then JOHN SMITH would have to follow a definition, which is not the case. Only if JOHN SMITH were defined as “John Orley Holistic Nutrition of the Smith Medical Institute To Holistics (JOHN SMITH)” would this be true. So the government that my ancestors supposedly created now denies my existence as a human being? Well, then we should all deny the existence of computing as a government. Tit for Tat. “Is it acceptable, or is there a rule of English grammar, to write a proper noun in capital letters? For example, if my name was John Paul Jones, can it be spelled as JOHN PAUL JONES? Is there a rule for that? Another recognized reference work is “The Elements of Style,” fourth edition, ISBN 0-205-30902-X, written by William Strunk, Jr.